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GTC Approved Training Provider Criteria

GTC Approved Criteria for Training Providers

1. The Centre agrees to provide the GTC with evidence all staff engaged in the delivery of the Golf Greenkeeping qualification are appropriately qualified or have appropriate industry experience. CV’s of key staff, including evidence of current continuous professional development (CPD) is made available when requested by the GTC.

2. A list of Golf Greenkeeping programmes offered by the Centre, along with numbers of student registrations, is submitted annually to the GTC.

3. The Centre agrees to inform the GTC when new candidates are registered and also regularly update the GTC on the progress of all registered candidates.

4. The Centre agrees to hold a minimum of one Golf Greenkeeping Liaison meeting per annum.

Note: It is acceptable for Centres to hold a joint Liaison – Standardisation event.

Agendas and minutes to be sent to GTC Headquarters. Representations could include (but not limited to):
a. Golf club employer (e.g. Owner, Secretary, Chairman of Green)
b. Course Manager/Head Greenkeeper with at least one registered learner
c. GTC representative, GTC representative bodies e.g. local BIGGA regional representative, GCMA regional representative, local      Home Union County representative
d. Turf tutors and representatives from each group of greenkeeping candidates.

5. The Centre has access to appropriate facilities, which are available to candidates on the Golf Greenkeeping qualification.

6. The GTC Training Manual is the standard recommended within the Assessment Plan to be used by Centres delivering the Certificate in Golf Greenkeeping. The GTC have developed Learning Materials based on best principles and practices for golf course maintenance. The GTC requires the Centre to adopt the use of the GTC above recommended documentation in a format which meets both City & Guilds and GTC standards.

7. The Centre agrees to incorporate a 3rd Party Declaration for all registrations on the Greenkeeping Apprenticeship, advising information will be passed on to the GTC to help monitor Employer and Candidate’s satisfaction.

8. The Centre agrees to have an effective communication system to ensure Employers with staff registered on the Apprenticeship programme are fully engaged with the programme of education and training and are fully aware of the Candidate’s progress.

9. The Centre has an internal quality assurance system, which meets with City & Guilds policies and procedures. Copies of any Quality Assurance reports to be sent or emailed by the Centre to the GTC as appropriate or requested.

10. If an Employer, Learner or Centre raise any concerns, City & Guilds will investigate in line with current policies and procedures, with guidance sought from the GTC where appropriate.

11. The Centre agrees to allow at least one member of the appropriate team to attend a GTC organised annual staff development event.

00045 GTC General Contact Card 85X55 ON A4

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