C&G Supporting customers –
Apprentices and employers registered with C&G on the Level 2 Certificate in Golf Greenkeeping please read the statement by C&G below:
In accordance with government advice, the latest government announcement around school and college closures and with the welfare of our apprentices and assessors – we have made the difficult decision that as of Monday 23 March 2020 we will no longer be able to carry out any EPAs for the following standards.
These standards all involve an element of prolonged face-to-face contact with the apprentice – (typically through a practical observation) – often in a college environment or in some circumstances contact between an apprentice and customer.
We understand that these are extraordinary and unprecedented times, and we are working closely with education providers, employers and governments to monitor the Covid-19 situation, and putting in place measures to support our employees, customers and stakeholders.
We appreciate that as your situation changes you will have many questions and concerns on delivery and supporting your learners and apprentices. From end-point assessment events to specific queries on certification or finance, we are on-hand to guide you through this difficult time.