COMING SHORTLY - A review of the National Occuppational Standards (NOS) Level 4
David Golding, GTC's Education Director, outlines an important review which the GTC will be involved in during the next few months.......
The GTC will be consulting with employers, Course Managers and Centre turf staff to review the Industry Skill Set for Golf Course Managers and the N/SVQ Level 4 and also look at developing a Level 5 qualification for the sector.
The review is part of a project by Lantra Sector Skills Council for the Amenity and Production Horticulture sector.
The GTC will continue to ensure the Golf Course Manager Skill Sets are appropriate for the employer and the National Occupational Standards (NOS) developed also are translated into relevant qualifications.
The GTC has continually promoted the N/SVQ Level 4 Golf Course Manager qualification, however funding support and delivery issues have been a barrier to many potential candidates registering with Approved Centres.
As some Centres have developed innovative methods of developing Level 4 including e-portfolio and on-line learning, this level of qualification will become increasingly more popular.
David explains the review process; "The GTC will be organising a working group to review the NOS with members of the GTC's Technical Committee involved".
David added, "There is clear evidence that the Golf Course Managers (Level 4) skill sets require reviewing and as an increasing number of employers are looking to promote Course Managers to General Managers we need to ensure there is a clear career pathway and training courses and qualifications available beyond Level 4".
The review has to be completed by the end of the year and further information will appear shortly.
To view the current Course Manager Skill Sets click here.
To view the current N/SVQ Level 4 Units/Standards click here.
If you wish to comment on the current Skills Sets or the N/SVQ Level 4 please email these to David Golding: