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Frank Newberry, Trainer and Motivational Speaker accredited as a GTC Quality Assured Training Provider...

David Golding, GTC's Education Director in announcing the latest addition to the GTC's Quality Assured Accreditation Scheme stated that, "Frank is arguably the best known management trainer in the Sports Turf sector".

Frank has been involved with the greenkeeping sector since 1989 and his inspirational style has benefitted thousands of greenkeepers many of whom have gone on to become very successful in higher management positions.

Best known for his communication workshops, motivational presentations and one-to-one guidance and support to individuals Frank has been engaged by other sporting organisations not only in the UK but world-wide".

David adds: "Whilst the GTC has Quality Assured Centres to offer formal qualifications it is so important that we have the very best trainers who cover all subject areas with courses and workshops that are aligned to the National Occupational Standards in greenkeeping and golf course management.

Frank adds: "It is an honour to be accredited by the GTC at this time.     I believe that the GTC has never been in better shape to take on the challenge of expanding the take-up of education and higher professional standards in greenkeeping.

The GTC is a bye-word for excellence around the globe. Much has been achieved in a short time by the GTC and there is still much to be done. 

I believe that the profession can truly advance and we will see performance standards rise if all of the GTC's Quality Assured Centres and Training Providers focus hard on helping all golf club employers.

I would also suggest that priority should be given to those employers who have apathetic or fearful greenkeepers who are not currently energised and excited about education and development".

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